Right sizing is often a sensible alternative to down sizing. For owners who are reluctant to move out of “the family home”, Redbrick Homes devise and deliver creative solutions which add value from lifestyle, financial and practical perspectives.

An active sector of the property market are those families whose homes are increasingly too big for their current needs. Children move out, retirement means more travel and upkeep and maintenance become a burden. Many owners are reluctant to leave their large homes because they are happy and established in the neighbourhood they have lived in for many years.

Right sizing with Redbrick Homes allows you to consider the options of sub-division or conversion of your existing property to better suit your new needs and often creates a passive income too. Some properties lend themselves to the addition of a granny flat in the grounds and larger or multi storey homes can often be successfully converted into two separate dwellings.

The aim is simple – Redbrick Homes will look with you at all the options available for you and your property to enable you to continue living in your own home but with some welcome changes like more comfortable living, improved space allocation, lowered maintenance and a regular income.


Whatever the solution is, Redbrick Homes can help you navigate the Council approvals necessary and can then project manage the conversion process from start to finish. By creating a clear plan of what needs to be changed, you can be guided to a professional and cost-effective end result so you can stay where you love living.


"More help must be offered to older people looking to downsize their property for something more suitable. A major new report is calling on local authorities, planners and developers to concentrate on "rightsizing" in providing homes for older people".

HomeWard Legal

Make an Enquiry

Contact Information

Phone: 0404 407770

Licence Number: 340673C - Expiry 04/08/2022

Location: Sydney North Shore

If you are interested in any of the property services Redbrick Homes provides:

Build Project Management and Property Improvements

Repairs & Maintenance and Right Sizing

Sale Ready and Interior Design

please complete our enquiry form with as much detail as possible, specifically when you are looking to begin work, and one of our team will be in touch to discuss the fine details.

Thank You.